NOTE: This form is used by Landlord/Agent when invasive repairs or fumigation work require the temporary move-
out of a Tenant(s), to notify the Tenant(s) of the conditions for the temporary displacement.
Date: ____________________, To Tenant(s): ___________________________________________________
Residing at: ______________________________________________________________________________
Items left blank or unchecked are not applicable.
By (Date) _________________, at (Time) ______:______ AM PM, you are kindly requested to
temporarily vacate the premises to allow for invasive repairs or fumigation of the premises.
The work to be performed is _________________________________________________________________
The work to be performed by________________________________________________________________.
The work is expected to be completed by (Date) ________________, at (Time) ______:______ AM PM
We kindly request that you cooperate with this temporary displacement by ____________________________
To compensate for the temporary displacement Landlord/Agent will provide Tenant(s)...
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