Standard: This is the default preset job option that is automatically used
in distilling your file unless you select one of the other preset options or
a custom setting of your own design. Use this job option to generate PDF
files for business documents that will be printed and read. This job option
converts all colors to sRGB, downsamples images to 150 dpi, and provides
Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4 file) compatibility.
High Quality: Use this job option to generate PDF files with higher
image resolution for improved printing quality. For example, use the
High Quality setting for a document containing photographic images (as
opposed to clipart) that you want to print on an in-house laser printer or
archive on CD-ROM. This job option leaves all colors unchanged, down-
samples images to 300 dpi but provides high-quality JPEG compression,
and embeds all fonts used in the source document. This job option (as
well as PDF/X1a, PDF/X3, and Press Quality) produces PDF files of the
largest file size. When converting especially large and graphically com-
plex documents, you may end up generating enormous PDF files that are
impossible to deliver to your service bureau (in such cases, you have to
split the document up into smaller, separate files that, once distilled,
you can successfully send).
PDF/X1a: Use this job option to generate a PDF that’s destined for a pro-
fessional prepress work flow and that has the same settings as High
Quality. PDF/X1a is an ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
standard for digital graphic content exchange used in the printing indus-
try. This setting creates a report and produces a PDF file only if it is com-
pliant with the PDF/X1a standard. You can get more information about this
feature by choosing Help➪Complete Acrobat 6.0 Help to open the help
guide, clicking the Search tab, and typing About PDF/X in the Find Pages
Containing text box.
PDF/X3: Use this job option to generate a PDF that’s destined for a pro-
fessional prepress work flow and that has the same settings as High
Quality. PDF/X3 is an ISO standard for digital graphic content exchange
used in the printing industry. This setting creates a report and produces
a PDF file only if it is compliant with the PDF/X3 standard. You can get
more information about this feature by choosing Help➪Complete
Acrobat 6.0 Help to open the help guide, clicking the Search tab, and
typing About PDF/X in the Find Pages Containing text box.
Press Quality: Use this job option to generate prepress PDF files are
intended for high-end printing by a professional printer or service
bureau. This job option leaves all colors unchanged and downsamples
images to 300 dpi, but provides high-quality JPEG compression and
embeds all fonts used in the source document.
Smallest File Size: Use this job option to generate PDF files to be posted
on your online Web site on the Internet, a corporate intranet, or a net-
work server for online reading or for quick downloading. This job option
converts all colors to RGB, downsamples images to 100 dpi, and does
not allow font embedding. Of the six presets, this job option produces
PDF files of the smallest file size.
Chapter 4: Distilling PDF Files