Chapter 13: Cost of operating in leased space 137
occurs, the economic function of the marketplace will dictate a reduced rent
rate until demand for space fills up the present supply of available space and
rental rates rise.
When tenants search for space without the pressure of high occupancy
levels and the attendant scarcity of space, they are more likely to compare
properties. They are also more likely to select a property based on operating
costs or the cost of tenant improvements (TIs), rather than rent alone.
Figure 1
Form 185
Letter of Intent
DATE: ____________, 20______, at _______________________________________________________, California.
Items left blank or un checked are not ap pli ca ble.
1. This letter of intent is entered into by ____________________________________, as the prospective Buyer, and
______________________________________________________________________________, as the Owner,
regarding real estate situated in the city of ________________________________________________________,
County of ___________________________________, State of _______________________________________,
referred to as _______________________________________________________________________________
2. REVIEW PERIOD: This letter is submitted by prospective Buyer calling for Owner to cooperate with prospective
Buyer for the duration of a review period.
2.1 During the review period, Owner will provide the information called for as itemized in this letter so
Buyer can perform a due diligence investigation of the property to determine its suitability for acquisition.
2.2 Should prospective Buyer determine the property is suitable for acquisition on completion of Buyer's
review, Buyer will commence purchase negotiations with Owner by preparing and submitting
a written purchase offer for Owner’s review and acceptance, counteroffer, or rejection.
3. NEGOTIATIONS: Prior to entering into a binding purchase agreement, either Owner or prospective Buyer may
propose different pricing, terms or conditions than contained in this letter, may enter into negotiations and
agreements with other parties in complete conflict with this proposal, or unilaterally cancel this letter without further
obligation to the other party.
4. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS: Owner and prospective Buyer agree this letter is not an offer to enter into
a written purchase agreement to sell the property, it is not a written purchase agreement for the sale of
the property, and it is not the grant of an option to buy the property.
4.1 This letter places no obligation or duty on Owner or prospective Buyer to act in good faith or to deal fairly,
until a written purchase agreement has been entered into by both Owner and prospective Buyer.
Before any party to this agreement files an action on a dispute arising out of this agreement which
remains unresolved after 30 days of informal negotiations, the parties agree to enter into non-binding
mediation administered by a neutral dispute resolution organization and undertake a good faith effort
during mediation to settle the dispute.
5. The proposal in this letter is to be deemed revoked unless agreed to by Owner within ______ days after date by
delivery of a copy of this Letter of Intent, signed by Owner to prospective Buyer or prospective Buyer’s broker.
6. As a preliminary expression of Buyer’s intent to purchase the property, the written purchase agreement to be
negotiated is to provide:
6.1 The unrestricted right for either party to assign their interest in the purchase agreement and agree to
cooperate in effecting an Internal Revenue Code §1031 transaction prior to the close of escrow on either
party’s written notice. [See ft Forms 171 and 172-2]
6.2 For Buyer’s monetary liability to Owner, limited to $_______________, should it be determined
Buyer breached the written purchase agreement.
6.3 The execution of estoppel certificates by each tenant affirming the terms of their tenancy.
6.4 Owner to furnish a structural pest control inspection report and certificate of clearance of corrective
6.5 The transaction to be escrowed with _______________________________________________________,
and provide for a closing date ______ days after entering into a written purchase agreement.
6.6 A good-faith deposit into an escrow account in the amount of $_______________.
7. Prospective Buyer proposes to pay a purchase price for the property of ................$
8. The terms for payment of the proposed purchase price to include:
8.1 Cash through escrow including funds from any purchase-assist financing . ........ $_______________
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Prospective Buyer’s Proposal for Due Diligence Investigations
Prepared by: Agent ____________________________
Broker ____________________________
Phone _______________________
Email _______________________
statements of premiums, and any claims made under any insurance policy covering the property during
the past ______ years, including claims made against building contractors.
The note, trust deed or related documents for each monetary lien on the property to include any
restrictions, limitations or conditions on occupancy, rents, use, encumbrance, conveyance or
Disclosure by Owner of any other conditions not here itemized and known to Owner which might
adversely affect the value, use and operations of the property.
10.23 Any other items prospective Buyer may reasonably request to complete his due diligence investigation
and review of the property and records.
See attached Addendum – General Use for additionally requested documentation and information.
[See ft Form 250]
11. Prospective Buyer, prospective Buyer’s agent and consultants, Owner and Owner’s agent will not disclose to
any third party the existence of this letter, the contents of any documentation provided to prospective Buyer by
Owner or otherwise obtained by prospective Buyer during the term of this letter, or the negotiations for entering
into a written purchase agreement.
12. Owner and prospective Buyer to bear their costs without reimbursement for any preparation of documentation for
the due diligence investigation or for the investigation or any other activities undertaken in conjunction with
this agreement.
13. Owner to pay a brokerage fee of $_______________ on the change of ownership contemplated by
this letter. Owner’s broker and prospective Buyer’s broker, respectively, to share the brokerage fee
The proposal set forth in this Letter of Intent is respectfully submitted for Owner’s considered attention. We look forward to
a favorable response by agreeing with its terms and conditions.
FORM 185 03-11 ©2011 first tuesday, P.O. BOX 20069, RIVERSIDE, CA 92516 (800) 794-0494
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — PAGE THREE OF THREE — FORM 185 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Prospective Buyer's/
Selling Broker: _________________________________
Broker's DRE Identification #: ____________________
Selling Agent: ________________________________
Agent's DRE Identification #: ____________________
Signature: __________________________________
Is the agent of:
Prospective Buyer exclusively.
Both Owner and prospective Buyer.
Address: ______________________________________
Phone: _________________ Cell: _________________
Fax: _________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________
Listing Broker: ________________________________
Broker's DRE Identification #: ___________________
Listing Agent: ________________________________
Agent's DRE Identification #: ____________________
Signature: ___________________________________
Is the agent of:
Owner exclusively.
Both Owner and prospective Buyer.
Address: ______________________________________
Phone: _________________ Cell: _________________
Fax: _________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________
I agree to the terms stated above.
See Signature Page Addendum. [ft Form 251]
Date: _____________, 20______
Prospective Buyer: ______________________________
Signature: _____________________________________
Prospective Buyer: ______________________________
Signature: _____________________________________
I agree to the terms stated above.
See Signature Page Addendum. [ft Form 251]
Date: _____________, 20______
Owner: _______________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________
Owner: _______________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________
8.2 Take title subject to, or Assume, an existing first trust deed loan of ...........$_______________
Take title subject to, or Assume, an existing second trust deed loan of ........$_______________
8.4 Assume an assessment bond lien of .....................................$_______________
8.5 Execute a note in favor of Owner for the balance due on the purchase price of ......$_______________
to be secured by a trust deed on the property.
9. The review period for prospective Buyer’s due diligence investigation, inspection and testing expires ______ days
after receipt, or access has been made available, of all items checked below for prospective Buyer’s review.
9.1 In the event prospective Buyer does not acquire ownership of the property, prospective Buyer to return to
Owner all items requested which prospective Buyer received from Owner or Owner's representatives.
10. Seller agrees to hand prospective Buyer copies or make available for prospective Buyer's review each of the
following checked items as soon as reasonably practicable after agreeing to this letter:
A Rental Income Rent Roll statement itemizing, by unit or space, the tenant’s name, monthly rent
amount including CAMs and other additional rent fees, rent due date, delinquencies and the amount in
arrears, rental period and expiration date, any incentive rent-free arrangements and bonuses or discounts,
utilities paid by landlord, security deposits and prepaid rent, furnishings supplied, broker fees due or to
become due under
the leases. [See ft Form 352-1]
Tenant rental or lease agreements, including any riders, modifications or amendments
and side agreements; any option rights to renew or extend, lease additional space or purchase
the property; and any pre-expiration cancellation rights and penalty amounts. A tenant turn-over report and
an eviction report, by unit or space, for the current and two preceding years.
Operating income and expense records, the current year-to-date and two preceding years' profit and
loss statements (or schedule E) and capital expenditures for the property, and operating and capital
budgets for this and the following year.
Property management agreements and a list of employees including their compensation schedules, and
leasing agent listings to locate tenants.
Maintenance agreements, outstanding work orders and other service or supply agreements related to
the operation of the property.
Utility, cable/TV, internet and phone bills, property and business tax bills, assessment statements for
any rent control and special district improvement bonds.
Invoices and copies of advertising and marketing for units or spaces during the past two years, along
with any marketing budget and plans for this year and next.
Interview of individuals involved in the management and operations of the property and administration
of the property’s financial books and records.
Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement issued by a geologist and signed by Owner, and any geological
reports relating to the property and possessed or known to Owner. [See ft Form 314]
Conditions of property disclosures prepared and signed by Owner. [See ft Form 304 and 304-1] Solar
Shade Control Notices sent or received by Seller to be handed to Buyer on acceptance.
Seller's Neighborhood Security Disclosure prepared by Owner setting forth criminal activity on or about
the property during the past two years relevant to the security of persons and their belongings on
the property, and any security arrangements undertaken or which should be undertaken in response.
[See ft Form 321]
Appraisals, feasibility studies, and market studies relating to the value and rentability of the properties.
Soil reports, pest control reports, ADA compliance reports, structural or component reports by architects
or contractors and other similar reports or studies.
ALTA survey, topographical studies, plans and specification of improvements and engineering of
the site.
An inspection of the property by prospective Buyer or consultants within ____ days after mutual
agreement to this letter.
All government related licenses, permits, mapping of the parcel, certificates of occupancy, building
inspections, health and safety reports, environmental impact and conditions reports or studies known to
Owner, and copies of relevant local zoning ordinances affecting the use or operation of the property.
Warranties or guaranties on fixtures or components of the property improvements.
Schedule “B” exceptions to Owner’s most recent policy of title insurance and Owner’s knowledge of any
encumbrances not listed on Schedule “B” as an exception.
Itemized inventory of the personal property, including any trade fixtures, owned or leased by Owner and
used in the operation or maintenance of the property.
All effective insurance policies relating to the property and liability of Owner for its operations,
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — PAGE TWO OF THREE — FORM 185 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — PAGE TWO OF THREE — FORM 185 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
For a full-size, fillable copy of
this, or any other form in this
book, please see the Forms-on-
CD accompanying this course.