Who is responsible for the utilities? If the tenant is responsible, what is
the metering system? Will the tenant have a separate meter, a meter
shared with other tenants, or a sub-meter? How will utility costs between
tenants on shared meters be divided? If the tenant will be paying for the
utilities, it is important to know the date by which the tenant is
responsible for transferring the utilities to his/her name. Sometimes the
landlord will have the utilities in his/her name while the apartment is
vacant. This can frequently lead to confusion about who is responsible
for the utilities and sometimes results in a utility shut-off. The
responsibility for the utilities should be spelled out very specifically in the
rental agreement.
Sometimes the utilities are included in the rent. If the landlord fails to
pay the utility or water bills and the utilities or water are shut off; the
tenant may be entitled to a rent abatement (NMSA §47-8-27.2 (A)). The
tenant can also choose to pay to have the utilities turned back on. The
tenant may be entitled to deduct all costs from the rent, and may also be
entitled to damages. If the landlord fails to comply with his/her
obligation to provide utilities, the local code enforcement agency can also
be contacted. In multi-unit housing, if there is separate utility metering for
each unit, a resident is allowed to request a copy of the utility bill for
his/her unit. If the unit is submetered, the resident shall then be entitled to
receive a copy of the apartment's utility
bill. When utility bills for common areas
divided between units and the costs are
passed on to the residents, a resident is
entitled to request a copy of all utility bills
being charged to the unit. The calculations
used as the basis for dividing the cost of
utilities for common areas and submetered
apartments must be made available to any
resident upon request. However, the owner
may charge an administrative fee not more
than five dollars for each requested item (NMSA §47-8-20 (F)).
The landlord is not required to supply any appliances, including stoves,
refrigerators, dishwashers, air conditioners or swamp coolers. If the
landlord does supply an appliance, then it is the landlord’s obligation to