Time is money. Your single asset in business is your time. What’s
your time worth? After having access to unlimited riches in real
estate, John has learned that instead of buying, fixing, and selling
properties, he can wholesale them. Let’s consider an alternate sce-
nario: John puts the property under contract for $40,000. He gets
bids and estimates repairs. He also does sales comparatives. Then
he runs an ad in the paper that says, “Handyman special. Won’t
last. Call now.” His phone rings off the hook with investors who
love to buy and fix up property. John asks them, “This house is
worth well over $100,000. What would you pay for it as is?” One
may offer $45,000, another $49,000, yet another $52,000. He
next asks the investor willing to pay $52,000, “What are you going
to do with it?” The investor replies, “Assuming I can do the repairs
for $20,000, I’ll have $72,000 into it. Then I think I can sell it for
$105,000 because real estate values in that neighborhood are
going up.”
After starting negotiations with this prospective buyer, John asks,
“What’s the absolute most you would pay for this? Can you do any
better? Can you do any better? Can you do any better?” The
investor replies, “Instead of $52,000, I can afford to pay $54,000.”
John returns with, “I was really hoping to get $62,849.” The
prospective buyer says, “This is my last offer. I’ll pay $55,000 and
spend $20,000 fixing it. I’ll have $75,000 in it, sell it for $105,000,
and make between $20,000 and $25,000.”
John writes out the standard seller’s contract stating a price of
$55,000. The buyer agrees to pay the closing costs, and John gives
him 10 days to close. An attorney arranges the closing, called a
collapsed closing. The buyer comes in with $55,000, and the attor-
ney hands $40,000 over to the original sellers of the property. Are
they happy? Yes, they got what they wanted. John gets $15,000
because he put together a good deal that had a lot of margin to
work with. He disclosed everything in writing, told all parties what
he was doing, did some negotiating, and made $15,000.
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